In case you read this some day…


I am needing an outlet. I am stuck with a big fat fucking question mark over my face.. yeah that’s all I see is a (?) in the mirror anymore, hovering above my shoulders. I know facts about myself. I know my interests, dislikes, will do’s and don’t you even think about its. But who am I wanting to become from this day forward? I am a newlywed, 27-ish, business owner that is naturally (well used to be) high on life. I love my horses, clean houses, sex, movie nights, barely-there-coffee, spontaneity, goals, barely-there-underwear, and my husband. I’ll stop there as to not wow you into oblivion :-/. Needless to say, I feel bland. 

So here I go, pouring my anonymous thoughts into the universe (oh yes, I believe in the power of the universe), in order to clear my clogged soul. This lady insists on adventuring into self-discovery and finding a direction. I love the life my husband and I have built, but I am at a crossroads. Who am I? This MissMrs? A Girl/Woman that never discovered herself and it’s “damn well time!”  She shouts, fist to hip.  Separate from the life I have grown into, what more can I create as my OWN identity? 

Further more, WHO ARE YOU? Who are you and how did you get to yourself? Advice is welcome, but I may not be able to follow it, as I can’t seem to make a decision for myself right now. How did you find true, soul quenching, happiness? Are these questions we will ask for the rest of our lives?!??!?^%#$*^(&^)*&_*  Lets find out together. 

Follow the trail of feathers. Listen to the 11:11 signs and pursue true happiness. I’m listening universe. 

And in case you read this, send some good thoughts for someone you may or may not know. You might not know how much they need it.
