Little One

I know you’re close. Something in my world has changed and I can’t help but feel the electricity of something anew.


We were never on the same page at the same time, either a chapter ahead or behind one another… your Daddy and I. Life has been so full of ups and downs, we never knew if the time was right.

Little One, I know you’re close.

I can feel the love and longing inching it’s way into all aspects of our lives. Your Daddy knows it’s time. Maybe that’s why my heart is at peace with the future. I don’t see worry in his eyes anymore that we won’t be able to provide you with the world, I see the longing to know you as well.

Little One, it’s almost time. Our home is small, our lives very big and full. I have been imagining your face often and who you might take after more, your Daddy or me. But mostly want you to be the best of both and your own uniqueness.

We can’t promise you the world, but we can promise to be here for you every step of your life. Each mark you make on this world, we’ll be right behind you, urging you along.

Little One, I feel it in my heart we’ll meet soon. Please be patient with us, Daddy and I. Our pages are turning, our words creating sentences, in turn creating our story…. all leading up to you.





Finding “Purpose” in a 65 Hour Work Week.

So I work a lot. My husband does the same.

We started our retail business almost 9 years ago, I was freshly 19 years old and very naive. Here I am at 28 and we are on our third store front location, starting up the internet sales aspect of our business, and I took on another part time job elsewhere…. just to make time for something I’m interested in without feeling the guilt of taking personal time. I care that much about what we do, I respect it, I cherish it, and I am blessed. However, it all comes with a sacrifice and sometimes I just want things to be a little simpler.

I am up, anywhere from 6-9am, everyday. Hour of chores between the dogs, cats, horses, laundry, dishes, cooking. Shower, and off to work. During my 10 hour shift (sometimes split between the 2 jobs), I work well, and sometimes I don’t. Sometimes I’m lazy and I hope that’s ok. After my shift ends at 9-10pm, I head home (anywhere from a 15min- 1 hour commute) for another hour of chores (same as the morning), cook a usually thoroughly healthy dinner, and fall asleep to a movie… say between 1am-3am.

There is no time. I stretch and stretch and add more to my responsibilities and I don’t know why. I don’t understand why we do it. What our purpose is. I’m fairly a happy person in real life. I try and see the best in things and look for the little moments that really make me feel grounded again. Bringing me back from a whirlwind of time speeding by. I was not raised this way, but I have come to conform to please my husband and in hopes of building our life. So someday, I can be the woman I really want to be. I want to be a mother, a great one. I want to provide a clean home, a full vegetable garden and I want to know how to make a tasty loaf of bread. But those things take time. Time that I don’t know if I’ll ever really have.

I was raised in a pretty fucked up situation. I was thankfully never sexually abused, but my childhood did involve a lot of abuse, instability, and drugs. I sank myself deeply into novels and my own imagination. I read more books each month than most have read by the end of high school. My angels, wherever and whoever you may be, managed to keep me from becoming barefoot and pregnant at a young age, and off of welfare after 17 years old. No offense to those that are in that situation.. believe me, I lived it. All I know is that my father instilled in me the beauty and magic of LIFE. This does not involve lots of money and toys, but more of catching grasshoppers, naming plants, fishing, camping, climbing trees, playing sock football on rainy nights. Laughing so hard by just looking at someone that you end up crying and falling to the ground. I love those memories and I want so badly to hang on to them. That is so far from who I am today, all I can see is specks of that girl.

The business we own has been around for 23 years. Before I even knew of my husband, I had been a customer there with my dad. Very fond memories of renting movies and video games, pizza, scary stories and tall tales, and of course… ice cream. My husband also shopped there growing up, however we have a nice age gap of 9 years, so I don’t believe our paths ever crossed.  I think this is why I hang on to the dedication of our business. It’s meant to be in some way. To succeed. To make many more memories for our customers kids and so forth.

I dream often of the life I could of had. I see their little faces. See what kind of parents we could have been. How much I would like to experience with them. For myself. For sharing pure joy with others and finding inspiration in the little things.

My dreams will have to ever be set aside. The disappointment in his face is too hard to bare to push any further on changing things. So I trudge on. Hoping someday to maybe have a little bit of both worlds. And because I do love him.



Rays of inspiration


There are just some people that fill you with inspiration and hope.

They are magnified by their positivity despite their life trials, things that most of us could never understand. And hopefully never will have to.

Sometimes these little gold specs  of life affect your soul in one meeting. Sometimes they have been in your family and you have never had a chance to get to know them….. really, deeply, get to know them. The most recognizable would be a close family or friend that you have grown to love over time, likely from childhood.

Many times these people have no idea the impact they have on others. When maybe the darkness they’re feeling inside could be taking over, others are being filled with desire to be better just from being in their presence. To build, flourish, to create. They are the reason for others inspiration.

And they have no idea. It’s like a crater in my heart. It  is filled with the lakes of a new enlightenment.


Each morning, she wakes up. Usually showers. Loves up her pups and continues on with her normal routine of taking them out for a potty break, breakfast, and more doggy kisses.

She opens her car door. Time for work. Feeling the sensation of the cold metal upon her fingertips, she gives it a pull. Sitting in the driver seat, she smiles at the smell of a new car and turns the key. Maybe her favorite song comes on. Maybe she passes someone along the street that waves to her, a greeting for a new day. And maybe she sinks deeper into the darkness the past few years have brought. She never would have pinned herself to be one to develop cancer. The ugly truth of the past too easily can cover up the brightness of a new day. With a turn of the ridged knob, the thought is pushed to the back of her mind, and the sound of her favorite morning radio station fills the interior.

Work brings routine. Something to look forward to, and a purpose for each day. Her sadness lingers deep within each conversation shared with others who could never understand her pain and loss. She shoves the stabbing pain deeper because she knows each new day is a blessing. But why can’t she of had the opportunity of her peers… healthy and with so many choices? Still….. she trudges on, smiling through each hour. Because that is HER CHOICE. She chooses to hug, to kiss, to love. She willingly shares her story of recovery with raw truth, but never seeking pity.

After her shift it’s home she goes. The comfort of her bed and the awaiting wet noses bring the reminder that life is good and it’s hers for the taking and the making. What kind of magic is in store for tomorrow?


And this is why she inspires. She has no idea the impact. My life is better because of her beauty and truth. To see life through her eyes makes me appreciate the value of her soul and more so, my own. And she has no idea how special and important she is.



What a treasure to behold. To be able to cross paths with someone so filled with such a priceless gift. To be able to make the world a better place and not even know it :).


